Sunday, March 15, 2020

Lab 4 - Pick Two pt.2

In Part 1 we looked at making an adder in 6502 assembly, this was one of the two tasks we chose for this lab, the other was a screen colour selector. The screen colour selector I personally found was a lot easier to code than the adder and took far lass code to implement. So without any delay here is the whole source code before we dive in to how it works.

; ROM routines
define        SCINIT        $ff81 ; initialize/clear screen
define        CHRIN        $ffcf ; input character from keyboard
define        CHROUT        $ffd2 ; output character to screen
define        SCREEN        $ffed ; get screen size
define        PLOT        $fff0 ; get/set cursor coordinates
        jsr SCINIT
        ldy #$00

    lda colours,y
        beq doneInit
        jsr CHROUT
        bne initColours
    ldy #$00
    ldx #$00
    jsr PLOT

    jsr PLOT
    jsr flipSelect

    jsr PLOT
    jsr CHRIN

    cmp #$80
    beq up
    cmp #$82
    bne checkIn
    cpy #$0f
    beq checkIn
    jsr flipSelect
    jsr flipSelect
    jsr drawScreen
    jmp checkIn

    cpy #$00
    beq checkIn
    jsr flipSelect
    jsr flipSelect
    jsr drawScreen
    jmp checkIn

    ldx #$00
    jsr PLOT
    jsr PLOT
    cmp #$20
    beq doneFlip
    eor #$80
    jsr CHROUT
    jsr PLOT
    bcc flipLoop

    lda #$00     ; set pointer at $10 to $0200
        sta $10
        lda #$02
        sta $11
        ldx #$06     ; max value for $11
        ldy #$00     ; index

    sta ($10),y  ; store colour
        iny          ; increment index
        bne drawLoop ; branch until page done
        inc $11      ; increment high byte of pointer
        cpx $11      ; compare with max value
        bne drawLoop ; continue if not done


dcb "B","L","A","C","K",10
dcb "W","H","I","T","E",10
dcb "R","E","D",10
dcb "C","Y","A","N",10
dcb "P","U","R","P","L","E",10
dcb "G","R","E","E","N",10
dcb "B","L","U","E",10
dcb "Y","E","L","L","O","W",10
dcb "O","R","A","N","G","E",10
dcb "B","R","O","W","N",10
dcb "L","I","G","H","T",95,"R","E","D",10
dcb "D","A","R","K",95,"G","R","E","Y",10
dcb "G","R","E","Y",10
dcb "L","I","G","H","T",95,"G","R","E","E","N",10
dcb "L","I","G","H","T",95,"B","L","U","E",10
dcb "L","I","G","H","T",95,"G","R","E","Y",00

This code, similar to the code in pt. 1 uses a main loop as the body of the program, though this one is a bit different and also isn't named main. Though this is getting ahead of ourselves the first thing the program does is initialize the screen, it does this by going through the colour names which are stored in memory and printing them to the screen, which was fairly easy to do considering the ROM routine CHROUT can read newline properly allowing the whole thing to be one block of memory.

The main loop for this program is called checkIn, this loop is checking for an input and when it receives it updates the screen accordingly, both up and down inputs work about the same so let's just look at up. When the up arrow in pressed checkIn calls the subroutine up. This subroutine will then check if up is valid (ie: not the top of the screen) and if so it will remove the selection, then select the proper line before changing the screen colour then returning to the checkIn loop.

Now of course up and down both call their own subroutines which I will explain now. flipSelect is a pretty interesting subroutine, it simply flips the high bit of every character in whatever line is in y. which will be the currently selected line. So the first time it is called it flips it off to deselect the line, then the second time it is called it flips it on selecting the new line. The drawScreen subroutine is one we have used a lot in the course so far. It simply takes what is currently in y, as established this will be the current selected element, and it will fill the screen with that colour. We made sure to align the colours on the screen with their places in memory so their y values line up with their colour values. This results in the correct colour being displayed

putting these few simple subroutines together along with the Rom routines and we have a very compact and easy to understand bit of code which can allow you to select a colour and display it on the screen.

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