Friday, January 31, 2020

Lab 3 - Pong pt.2

After the initial dive into the Pong problem and with a new understanding from the experiments done a tough choice had to be made. And with that I started over. My first goal with this new start was just to get a bouncing ball

The Code for the bouncing ball iteration no longer exists but it worked moving the ball in a two step process, the first step said yes the ball should move, the second said which way it should move. This was accomplished by first splitting the movement into the X and Y and then either incriminating or decrementing depending on which surface the ball last bounced off of. The first version of this as quite basic and did not clear the old ball position and only worked at a 45 degree angle resulting in a diamond being drawn on the screen but it was a start.

The screen not being cleared was beginning to bother me and so I implemented a very simple solution, first I copied the screen clear code from the etch-a-sketch program and had it happen on every game loop.

 clear:    lda table_low    ; clear the screen
     sta POINTER
     lda table_high
     sta POINTER_H

     ldy #$00

 c_loop:    sta (POINTER),y
     bne c_loop

     inc POINTER_H
     ldx POINTER_H
     cpx #$06
     bne c_loop 

second I added a delay so that the ball was drawn for longer than it was not making it so that it was less likely to blink out of existence. This had a few issues but I finally had a single ball bouncing around a screen.

Finally The game was coming together and only needed a few more elements to make it functional, the first and most important being the paddle, for this I added a new collision procedure which checked to see if the ball was on a pixel which counted as being on the paddle and if so to make it bounce. I also made it into more of a game by changing the bottom collision to game over and making it so that the x and y velocity got randomized whenever the paddle was hit. Here is the code for that itteration

; zero-page variable locations
define ROW        $20    ; current row
define COL        $21    ; current column
define DELTAX        $30    ; current Delta X
define DELTAY        $31    ; current Delta Y
define BOUNCEX        $35    ; checks if X has bounced
define BOUNCEY        $36    ; checks if Y has bounced
define VELX        $38
define VELY        $39   
define    POINTER        $10    ; ptr start of row
define    POINTER_H    $11
define PADDLEL        $40
define PADDLER        $41   

; constants
define    DOT        $01    ; dot colour
define    PADDLE        $07    ; black colour

    ldy #$00    ; put help text on screen
print:    lda help,y
    beq setup
    sta $f000,y
    bne print

setup:    lda #$0f    ; set initial ROW,COL
     sta ROW
    lda #$00
     sta COL
    lda #$20
    sta VELX
    lda #$20
    sta VELY
    lda #$0C
    sta PADDLEL
    lda #$14
    sta PADDLER

draw:    lda ROW        ; ensure ROW is in range 031
     and #$1f
     sta ROW

     lda COL        ; ensure COL is in range 031
     and #$1f
     sta COL

     ldy ROW        ; load POINTER with start-of-row
     lda table_low,y
     sta POINTER
     lda table_high,y
     sta POINTER_H

     ldy COL        ; store CURSOR at POINTER plus COL
     lda #DOT
     sta (POINTER),y

     ldy #$1f    ; load POINTER with start-of-row
     lda table_low,y
     sta POINTER
     lda table_high,y
     sta POINTER_H

     ldy PADDLEL    ; store CURSOR at POINTER plus COL
     lda #PADDLE
     sta (POINTER),y
    cpy PADDLER
    bne paddleLoop

colidR:    lda COL
    cmp #$1F
    bne colidL
    sta BOUNCEY

colidL:    lda COL
    cmp #$00
    bne colidD
    sta BOUNCEY
colidD:    lda ROW
    cmp #$1F
    bne colidU
    jmp gameover

colidU:    lda ROW
    cmp #$00
    bne colidP
    sta BOUNCEX

colidP:    CLC
    lda ROW
    cmp #$1E
    bne ballX
    lda COL
    cmp PADDLEL

    bcc ballX
    cmp PADDLER
    bcs ballX

    sta BOUNCEX
    lda $fe        ;randomize vel when hitting paddle
    cmp #$80    ;ensure vel isn't too high
    bcc velx
    adc #$81
    sta VELX
    lda $fe
    sta VELY

ballX:    lda VELX
    adc DELTAX
    sta DELTAX
    bcc ballY

    lda BOUNCEX
    cmp #$00
    bne decROW
incROW:    inc ROW
    bcc ballY

decROW:    dec ROW

    lda VELY
    adc DELTAY
    sta DELTAY
    bcc getkey

    lda BOUNCEY
    cmp #$00
    bne decCOL

incCOL:    inc COL
    bcc getkey

decCOL:    dec COL

getkey:    lda $ff        ; get a keystroke

     ldx #$00    ; clear out the key buffer
     stx $ff

     cmp #$83    ; check key == LEFT
     bne checkR

    ldy PADDLEL
    cpy #$00
    beq checkR

     dec PADDLEL
    dec PADDLER
     jmp delaya

checkR:    cmp #$81    ; check key == RIGHT
     bne delaya

    ldy PADDLER
    cpy #$20
    beq delaya

     inc PADDLEL
    inc PADDLER

delaya:    ldy #$00     ; Delay processor so that ball doesn't flash at top of screen
    ldx #$00
delay:    iny
    cpy #$FF
    bne delay

    ldy #$00
    cpx #$06
    bne delay

 clear:    lda table_low    ; clear the screen
     sta POINTER
     lda table_high
     sta POINTER_H

     ldy #$00

 c_loop:    sta (POINTER),y
     bne c_loop

     inc POINTER_H
     ldx POINTER_H
     cpx #$06
     bne c_loop

done:    clc        ; repeat
     jmp draw

; these two tables contain the high and low bytes
; of the addresses of the start of each row

dcb $02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02
dcb $03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03
dcb $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04
dcb $05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,

dcb $00,$20,$40,$60,$80,$a0,$c0,$e0
dcb $00,$20,$40,$60,$80,$a0,$c0,$e0
dcb $00,$20,$40,$60,$80,$a0,$c0,$e0
dcb $00,$20,$40,$60,$80,$a0,$c0,$e0

; help message on character screen

 dcb "A","r","r","o","w",32,"k","e","y","s"
 dcb 32,"d","r","a","w",32,"/",32,"'","C","'"
 dcb 32,"k","e","y",32,"c","l","e","a","r","s"
 dcb 00

As you can probably tell there is still some left over fragments from the etch-a-sketch which need to be removed but all and all this code will make a working game of pong with the 6502. It draws and moves a ball, receives keyboard input and move the paddle. This is not where I decided to stop with this program though.

; zero-page variable locations
define ROW        $20    ; current row
define COL        $21    ; current column
define DELTAX        $30    ; current Delta X
define DELTAY        $31    ; current Delta Y
define BOUNCEX        $35    ; checks if X has bounced
define BOUNCEY        $36    ; checks if Y has bounced
define VELX        $38
define VELY        $39   
define    POINTER        $10    ; ptr start of row
define    POINTER_H    $11
define PADDLEL        $40
define PADDLER         $41   
define SCORE        $24
define HIT        $23

; constants
define    DOT        $01    ; dot colour
define    PADDLE        $07    ; black colour

    ldy #$00    ; put help text on screen
print:    lda help,y
    beq setup
    sta $f000,y
    bne print

setup:    lda #$0f    ; set initial ROW,COL
     sta ROW
    lda #$00
     sta COL
    lda #$20
    sta VELX
    lda #$20
    sta VELY
    lda #$0B
    sta PADDLEL
    lda #$15
    sta PADDLER
    lda #$00
    sta SCORE

draw:    lda ROW        ; ensure ROW is in range 031
     and #$1f
     sta ROW

     lda COL        ; ensure COL is in range 031
     and #$1f
     sta COL

     ldy ROW        ; load POINTER with start-of-row
     lda table_low,y
     sta POINTER
     lda table_high,y
     sta POINTER_H

     ldy COL        ; store CURSOR at POINTER plus COL
     lda #DOT
     sta (POINTER),y

     ldy #$1f    ; load POINTER with start-of-row
     lda table_low,y
     sta POINTER
     lda table_high,y
     sta POINTER_H

     ldy PADDLEL    ; store CURSOR at POINTER plus COL
     lda #PADDLE
     sta (POINTER),y
    cpy PADDLER
    bne paddleLoop

colidR:    lda COL
    cmp #$1F
    bne colidL
    sta BOUNCEY

colidL:    lda COL
    cmp #$00
    bne colidD
    sta BOUNCEY
colidD:    lda ROW
    cmp #$1F
    bne colidU
    jmp gameover

colidU:    lda ROW
    cmp #$00
    bne colidP
    sta BOUNCEX

colidP:    CLC
    lda ROW
    cmp #$1E
    bne incScore
    lda COL
    cmp PADDLEL

    bcc incScore
    cmp PADDLER
    bcs incScore

    sta BOUNCEX
    inc HIT
    lda $fe        ;randomize vel when hitting paddle
    cmp #$80    ;ensure vel isn't too high
    bcc velx
    adc #$81

    sta VELX
    lda $fe
    sta VELY

    lda ROW
    cmp #$1D
    bne delaya
    lda HIT
    cmp #$00
    beq delaya
    lda #$00
    sta HIT
    lda SCORE
    adc #$01
    sta SCORE

delaya:    ldy #$00     ; Delay processor to slow down game
    ldx #$00
delay:    iny
    cpy #$FF
    bne delay

    ldy #$00
    cpx #$08
    bne delay

ballX:    lda VELX
    adc DELTAX
    sta DELTAX
    bcc ballY

    ldy ROW        ; load POINTER with start-of-row
     lda table_low,y
     sta POINTER
     lda table_high,y
     sta POINTER_H

     ldy COL        ; store CURSOR at POINTER plus COL
     lda #00
     sta (POINTER),y


    lda BOUNCEX
    cmp #$00
    bne decROW

incROW:    inc ROW
    bcc ballY

decROW:    dec ROW

    lda VELY
    adc DELTAY
    sta DELTAY
    bcc getkey

    ldy ROW        ; load POINTER with start-of-row
     lda table_low,y
     sta POINTER
     lda table_high,y
     sta POINTER_H

     ldy COL        ; store CURSOR at POINTER plus COL
     lda #00
     sta (POINTER),y


    lda BOUNCEY
    cmp #$00
    bne decCOL

incCOL:    inc COL
    bcc getkey

decCOL:    dec COL

getkey:    lda $ff        ; get a keystroke

     ldx #$00    ; clear out the key buffer
     stx $ff

     cmp #$83    ; check key == LEFT
     bne checkR

    ldy PADDLEL
    cpy #$00
    beq checkR

    ldy #$1f    ; load POINTER with start-of-row
     lda table_low,y
     sta POINTER
     lda table_high,y
     sta POINTER_H

     ldy PADDLER    ; store CURSOR at POINTER plus COL
     lda #00
     sta (POINTER),y

     dec PADDLEL
    dec PADDLER
     jmp done

checkR:    cmp #$81    ; check key == RIGHT
     bne done

    ldy PADDLER
    cpy #$20
    beq done

    ldy #$1f    ; load POINTER with start-of-row
     lda table_low,y
     sta POINTER
     lda table_high,y
     sta POINTER_H

     ldy PADDLEL    ; store CURSOR at POINTER plus COL
     lda #00
     sta (POINTER),y

     inc PADDLEL
    inc PADDLER


    ldy #$0
    lda score,y
    beq scoreNum
    sta $f0F0,y
    bne scorePrint

    lda SCORE
    and #$F0
    lda number,y
    sta $f0f8

    lda SCORE
    and #$0F
    lda number,y
    sta $f0f9
    lda SCORE

    clc        ; repeat
     jmp draw



 clear:    lda table_low    ; clear the screen
     sta POINTER
     lda table_high
     sta POINTER_H

     ldy #$00

 c_loop:    sta (POINTER),y
     bne c_loop

     inc POINTER_H
     ldx POINTER_H
     cpx #$06
     bne c_loop

    jmp setup

; these two tables contain the high and low bytes
; of the addresses of the start of each row

dcb $02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02
dcb $03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03
dcb $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04
dcb $05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,

dcb $00,$20,$40,$60,$80,$a0,$c0,$e0
dcb $00,$20,$40,$60,$80,$a0,$c0,$e0
dcb $00,$20,$40,$60,$80,$a0,$c0,$e0
dcb $00,$20,$40,$60,$80,$a0,$c0,$e0

; help message on character screen

 dcb "A","r","r","o","w",32,"k","e","y","s"
 dcb 32,"C","o","n","t","r","o","l",32,"p","a","d"
 dcb "d","l","e"
 dcb 00

dcb "S","C","O","R","E",":",32
dcb 00

dcb "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7"
dcb "8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F"
dcb 00


This is where I decided to cut off coding for this task with quite a few tweeks and improvments to the code. The First big change is the removing of the flicker, I did this by only removing the ball when it moves and only removing one pixel from the paddle when it mves. Next I added a score feature which was an interesting task to tackel. Firstly I had to find a way to incriment the score which was accomplished by checking first to see in the paddle had been hit and second to see if the ball was off the paddle and if both those things were true the score could be incrimented. Secondly I chose to make the score decimal instead of Hex since that is the number system most people are used to. Luckily through so research I was able to find out about decimal mode on the 6502, which allows numbers to be stored in a byte as two decimal digits taking up 4 bits per digit. thus allowing the score to be properly relayed to the player. All together this made the pong app both easier on the eyes and more enjoyable since progress was tacked.

The process of building this app has furthered my understanding of assembly programming quite a bit. I feel that in gerneral in order to get a grasp for many of the concepts they just have to be played with. Some of the odd quirks and how the computer actually works with the bits is something which is difficult to learn without experienceing it and I feel this task accomplished that.  

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